Real Estate Marketing Ideas – Save Money, Save Time
Real Estate Marketing Ideas – Save Money, Save Time
Online luxury real estate marketing and sales could be the wave of the future. Of course, this doesn’t mean that there is no more room for traditional advertising models but going online greatly expands your reach and makes it easier to discover prospects from all over the world that you can convert into buyers. However, it could take substantial effort to adjust to the new protocols of online property marketing. Here are some tips that will help you make the shift from realtor to internet marketing wizard.
Traditional print media is going the way of the Dodo. Your neighborhood property listings, like local classifieds, are good but very limited in their reach. These are only going to target a localized division of several square miles/kilometers.
Not only that, but they may not be cheap and have an extremely short expected life – usually lower than one week before the paper is in the bin. The color supplements are excellent for showcasing your home, but the costs are astronomical.
Nevertheless, you have to take into consideration the price of a single advertisement, so when you are an exclusive advertiser, the fee is considerably greater. Especially in the case where a real estate professional was booking the same types of ads, and they have a larger budget than you, which will mostly wash out your ad reach.
So a better way to go is to go into digital advertising and digital listing services. IMS Realty, LLC can help you list your home and or property in many different locations on the internet. Places that real estate professionals know your property will get seen and taken into consideration.